Mohamed Ramadan Address and Contact Number

Mohamed Ramadan Contact Phone Number is : +20 843 292 8448

and Address is 6A/18, Intersection Of Rd. 205 & Rd. 253, Degla, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt
Mohamed Ramadan is an Egyptian Actor, Singer, Rapper, Dancer and Producer. Egyptian singer Mohamed Ramadan 'breaks TikTok record' for artists in Arab World. Egyptian singer Mohamed Ramadan says a hashtag bearing his name on TikTok exceeded 8 billion views, making him the first artist to reach such heights in the Arab world. In 2019, he was given the AFRIMA award and crowned the most popular artist in Africa. His streaming and social stats reflect his superstar status, with over 4.65 billion YouTube channel views, over 1 million Spotify monthly listeners, and nearly 20 million Instagram followers. Mohamed Ramadan later further confirmed his success in music and turned into one of the most important stars with a series of songs that achieved unprecedented successes, such as "Mafia," (250 million views), "Ensay" (over 400 million views), "Rayheen Neshar (Bam Bam)" (over 335 million views), and "Ya Habibi" (over 439 million views). Ramadan is currently preparing his next album, featuring collaborations with Western and international artists and producers. Mohamad Ramadan is an actor, rapper, singer and performer from Cairo. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mohamed Ramadan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mohamed Ramadan

The address of Mohamed Ramadan is 6A/18, Intersection Of Rd. 205 & Rd. 253, Degla, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt.

Contact Number of Mohamed Ramadan

The contact number of Mohamed Ramadan is +20 843 292 8448.

Email Address of Mohamed Ramadan

The email address of Mohamed Ramadan is

Website of Mohamed Ramadan

The Website of Mohamed Ramadan is

Contact Person of Mohamed Ramadan

The contact person of Mohamed Ramadan is Mohamed Ramadan.

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