Mohamed Fouad Address and Contact Number

Mohamed Fouad Contact Phone Number is : +20 064 3335120

and Address is 2, Tanta St., El Salam District - Ismailia - Egypt
Mohamed Fouad Abd El Hamid Hassan is an Egyptian singer, actor and songwriter. He filmed his first television series "Agla Min Hayaty" in 2010, and hosted the television show "Khush Ala Fo’sh" in 2014. He attended the Arabic Music Institute and studied under renowned composer Ali Ismail. At the age of 18, he joined the military as a vocalist and composer for the National Arab Music Ensemble. He found success with his first single, “Ya Ahl El Ein”, and went on to release several more singles over the next few years. He is considered to be one of the most versatile singers in Egypt and has collaborated with many successful artists. His career began in the late 1980s and he has since released music in various genres, including pop, folk, jazz, reggae and traditional Arabic music. Mohamed Fouad's music is often described as being a mix of pop, folk, jazz and traditional Arabic music. He is known for his ability to blend different styles of music together to create unique sounds. Mohamed Fouad is currently experiencing a state of artistic activity during the summer season of 2024, as he will perform a concert, tomorrow, Saturday, on the North Coast. Fouad is scheduled to perform two concerts on July 18, and the other on July 25 in Lebanon. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mohamed Fouad is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mohamed Fouad

The address of Mohamed Fouad is 2, Tanta St., El Salam District - Ismailia - Egypt.

Contact Number of Mohamed Fouad

The contact number of Mohamed Fouad is +20 064 3335120.

Email Address of Mohamed Fouad

The email address of Mohamed Fouad is

Website of Mohamed Fouad

The Website of Mohamed Fouad is Not known.

Contact Person of Mohamed Fouad

The contact person of Mohamed Fouad is Mohamed Fouad.

Mohamed Fouad Source of Knowledge

Not known
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