Mohamed Mounir Address and Contact Number

Mohamed Mounir Contact Phone Number is : +20 010 9639 1322.

and Address is 24 El Falaki Street, Downtown, Cairo, Egypt.
Mohamed Mounir is an Egyptian singer and actor, with a musical career spanning more than four decades. He incorporates various genres into his music, including classical Egyptian music, Nubian music, Blues, Jazz and Reggae. He won the Platinum Award for the best Egyptian and Arab singer for the song "Yasmina", in which the international singer Adel Al-Taweel participated with the "Ich und Ich" team, the most famous international band at present, and he deserved the Universal International Award, after he distributed the disc. His lyrics are noted both for their philosophical content and for their passionate social and political commentary. He is affectionately known by his fans as "El King" in reference to his album and play "El Malek Howwa El Malek" (The King is The King). In addition to his musical career, Mohamed Mounir is an active philanthropist. He has advocated for human rights, gender equality, and freedom of speech through his music. He has also worked to promote education in Egypt by establishing several schools in villages across the country. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mohamed Mounir is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mohamed Mounir

The address of Mohamed Mounir is 24 El Falaki Street, Downtown, Cairo, Egypt..

Contact Number of Mohamed Mounir

The contact number of Mohamed Mounir is +20 010 9639 1322..

Email Address of Mohamed Mounir

The email address of Mohamed Mounir is

Website of Mohamed Mounir

The Website of Mohamed Mounir is

Contact Person of Mohamed Mounir

The contact person of Mohamed Mounir is Mohamed Mounir.

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