Mewar University Chittorgarh Address and Contact Number

Mewar University Chittorgarh Contact Phone Number is : 01471 291 158, 01471-220881

and Address is NH - 79 Gangrar, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan-312 901
Mewar University is a self-governing body which is affiliated to UGC, BCI, AIU and AICTE. The University is governed by the Government of Rajasthan. The University is located in Chittorgarh, Rajasthan. Mewar University is leaded by the chairperson Shri Ashok Kumar Gadiya. The University is having authorized training and Placement Program which allows Students to get involved in the recruitment process of several industries and companies during their course time. After the Students effective training, the Students are provided with the recruitment sElection process and interview facing training through which they can easily face any interview and able to complete sElection process. For the Students who want to do their internship in the Government industries are authorized to take it as the University have direct collaboration with Government trade and industry. The University offers Education in several courses such as B.Tech, B.E, BBA, B.Ed, B.Sc(hons), BMLT, LLB(integrated), B.Sc, B.A, LLB, etc. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mewar University Chittorgarh is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mewar University Chittorgarh

The address of Mewar University Chittorgarh is NH - 79 Gangrar, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan-312 901.

Contact Number of Mewar University Chittorgarh

The contact number of Mewar University Chittorgarh is 01471 291 158, 01471-220881.

Email Address of Mewar University Chittorgarh

The email address of Mewar University Chittorgarh is .

Website of Mewar University Chittorgarh

The Website of Mewar University Chittorgarh is

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Mewar University Chittorgarh Address Contact Number
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