Newcastle Upon Tyne University Address and Contact Number

Newcastle Upon Tyne University Contact Phone Number is : (0191) 222 6000

and Address is 70 Washington Road, Princeton, NJ, United States
Newcastle University is located in Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. In 1834, it was established as a School of Medicine and Surgery and was being run by “University of Durham” but with the coming of 1963 it became an independent University and got the name, “Newcastle University”. Today it is imparting Education to more than 20,000 undergraduate and graduate Students. The address and contact number of Newcastle Upon Tyne University is also used for Newcastle University reviews, Newcastle Upon Tyne University medical School, Newcastle Upon Tyne University term dates, Newcastle Upon Tyne University jobs, Newcastle Upon Tyne University map, Newcastle Upon Tyne University ranking, Newcastle Upon Tyne University accommodation and University of Newcastle Upon Tyne world ranking. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Newcastle Upon Tyne University is mentioned in below section.

Address of Newcastle Upon Tyne University

The address of Newcastle Upon Tyne University is 70 Washington Road, Princeton, NJ, United States.

Contact Number of Newcastle Upon Tyne University

The contact number of Newcastle Upon Tyne University is (0191) 222 6000.

Email Address of Newcastle Upon Tyne University

The email address of Newcastle Upon Tyne University is .

Website of Newcastle Upon Tyne University

The Website of Newcastle Upon Tyne University is

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Newcastle Upon Tyne University Address Contact Number
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