Lee Young pyo Address and Contact Number

Lee Young pyo Contact Phone Number is : +82 7554911204

and Address is 1471, Seorak-ro, Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon State 25117, South Korea
Lee Young-pyo is a retired South Korean professional footballer who played as a right-footed left back. Lee was recognized for his speed and dribbling skills. His former manager Martin Jol once called him "the best left back in Holland". Lee was an executive board member for the Korea Football Association's Football-Love Sharing Foundation. Lee played in three FIFA World Cup tournaments for South Korea, including the 2002 World Cup co-hosted by Japan and South Korea. He was a three-time Dutch champion with PSV Eindhoven. He is best known for his speed, dribbling skills, and contributions to the South Korean national team. The South Korean international then departed for Borussia Dortmund before going on to play for Al-Hilal and Vancouver Whitecaps. He hung up his boots in 2013 and he has since forged a career on TV in his homeland. The 46-year-old has starred in a plethora of sports-based and reality shows over the last decade. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lee Young pyo is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lee Young-pyo

The address of Lee Young-pyo is 1471, Seorak-ro, Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon State 25117, South Korea.

Contact Number of Lee Young-pyo

The contact number of Lee Young-pyo is +82 7554911204.

Email Address of Lee Young-pyo

The email address of Lee Young-pyo is lee.youngae@gmail.com.

Website of Lee Young-pyo

The Website of Lee Young-pyo is www.whitecapsfc.com.

Contact Person of Lee Young-pyo

The contact person of Lee Young-pyo is Lee Young-pyo.

Lee Young pyo Source of Knowledge

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