Lee Hyo jung Address and Contact Number

Lee Hyo jung Contact Phone Number is : +82 23458 10907

and Address is 20th FL, Dream Tower 233-1 Mokdongdong-ro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul Korea
Lee Hyo-jung is a former South Korean badminton player who won gold in the 2008 Summer Olympics mixed doubles and silver in the women's doubles. She was the first Korean woman to win gold medals at both the Olympics and the Asian Games. She won the gold medal in badminton mixed doubles at the 2008 Summer Olympics. Lee Hyo-jung also won the silver medal in badminton women's doubles at the aforementioned Olympics with Lee Kyung-won; they were seeded fourth and lost to the second-seeded Chinese pair, Du Jing and Yu Yang. Lee also won a silver medal in women's doubles with Lee Kyung-won. They lost to the second-seeded Chinese pair, Du Jing and Yu Yang. Lee was the first Korean woman to win gold medals at both the Olympics and the Asian Games. Lee announced her retirement after winning a medal at the 2010 Asian Games, despite pressure from fans and coaches to continue playing. Lee Hyo-jung is a former South Korean badminton player who was known for her skills as a top doubles player. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lee Hyo jung is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lee Hyo-jung

The address of Lee Hyo-jung is 20th FL, Dream Tower 233-1 Mokdongdong-ro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul Korea.

Contact Number of Lee Hyo-jung

The contact number of Lee Hyo-jung is +82 23458 10907.

Email Address of Lee Hyo-jung

The email address of Lee Hyo-jung is info@leehyojung.com.

Website of Lee Hyo-jung

The Website of Lee Hyo-jung is www.leehyojung.com.

Contact Person of Lee Hyo-jung

The contact person of Lee Hyo-jung is Lee Hyo-jung.

Lee Hyo jung Source of Knowledge

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