Lee Yong dae Address and Contact Number

Lee Yong dae Contact Phone Number is : +82-287-880-1918

and Address is 32-20, Unnam-ro 85beon-gil, Jung-gu, Daejeon 35072 South Korea
Lee Yong-dae is a professional badminton player from South Korea who had been successful in both men's and mixed doubles. He reached world number 1 ranking with 4 different partners, Jung Jae-sung, Ko Sung-hyun and Yoo Yeon-seong in men's doubles, and Lee Hyo-jung in mixed doubles. Lee was ranked number one in the world for 117 consecutive weeks with his partner Yoo Yeon-seong from 2014 to 2016. He was also ranked number one with three other partners in men's and mixed doubles. Lee won a gold medal in mixed doubles at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, making him the youngest gold medalist in badminton history. Lee won the Swiss Open Men's Doubles Championship in 2008 and 2010, and the BCA Indonesia Open Men's Doubles Championship twice. He also won a bronze medal in men's doubles at the 2012 London Olympic Games. Lee is considered a badminton legend. He has been involved in initiatives to share his passion for badminton and inspire the next generation. He announced his retirement in 2016 with his last tournament being the Korea Open. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lee Yong dae is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lee Yong-dae

The address of Lee Yong-dae is 32-20, Unnam-ro 85beon-gil, Jung-gu, Daejeon 35072 South Korea.

Contact Number of Lee Yong-dae

The contact number of Lee Yong-dae is +82-287-880-1918.

Email Address of Lee Yong-dae

The email address of Lee Yong-dae is leeyongdae@gmail.com.

Website of Lee Yong-dae

The Website of Lee Yong-dae is bwfworldtourfinals.bwfbadminton.com.

Contact Person of Lee Yong-dae

The contact person of Lee Yong-dae is Lee Yong-dae.

Lee Yong dae Source of Knowledge

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