Yasmin K. Address and Contact Number

Yasmin K. Contact Phone Number is : +49 01142274200

and Address is Alster, Hamburg, Germany
Yasmin Knoch, known professionally as Yasmin K. and also using the name Y-ass, is a German pop singer. She is best known for appearing in 2001 on the second season of Popstars. Yasmin K., also known as Yasmin Knoch or Y-ass, is a German pop singer who appeared on the second season of Popstars in 2001. A musician who has collaborated with artists such as Devlin, Ed Sheeran, Gorgon City, Major Lazer, and Kele Okereke. She released her debut single, "On My Own", in 2011. She has collaborated with other artists, including Alex Christensen, on projects such as the single "Rhythm of the Night" and the song "Angel of Darkness". She has performed in shows with her father's band and in the musical Buddy. She took lessons in singing, piano, and guitar after completing her Abitur. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Yasmin K. is mentioned in below section.

Address of Yasmin K.

The address of Yasmin K. is Alster, Hamburg, Germany.

Contact Number of Yasmin K.

The contact number of Yasmin K. is +49 01142274200.

Email Address of Yasmin K.

The email address of Yasmin K. is yasminmaesinger@gmail.com.

Website of Yasmin K.

The Website of Yasmin K. is www.yasmin-k.de.

Contact Person of Yasmin K.

The contact person of Yasmin K. is Yasmin Knoch.

Yasmin K. Source of Knowledge

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