Tim Cahill Address and Contact Number

Tim Cahill Contact Phone Number is : +61 800-341-4341

and Address is 6 Woodfull Road Lower Plenty, Vic 3093, Australia
Timothy Filiga Cahill AO is an Australian former professional soccer player who played as an attacking midfielder but also played as a striker on many occasions. A box-to-box midfielder, Cahill became recognised for "his aggressive and powerful approach and his ability to head the ball in the penalty area". Cahill was the first Australian to score in a FIFA World Cup, and he is Australia's all-time leading scorer in the men's World Cup with five goals. He scored in the 2006, 2010, and 2014 World Cups. His volleyed goal against the Netherlands in 2014 was nominated for the FIFA Puskás Award. Cahill was named Oceania Footballer of the Year in 2004, and he was Everton's Player of the Season and Top Goal Scorer in 2004-05. He also led Millwall to their first FA Cup final appearance in 2003-04. Cahill is known for his adept heading ability and high vertical leap, having scored many of his goals with his head. He currently works as a pundit for BBC Sport and Sky Sports. Australia Olympic (O.P.) In 1997, Cahill left Sydney for England to play professionally; there he was signed by Millwall on a free transfer from Sydney United. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Tim Cahill is mentioned in below section.

Address of Tim Cahill

The address of Tim Cahill is 6 Woodfull Road Lower Plenty, Vic 3093, Australia.

Contact Number of Tim Cahill

The contact number of Tim Cahill is +61 800-341-4341.

Email Address of Tim Cahill

The email address of Tim Cahill is tim.cahill@gmail.com.

Website of Tim Cahill

The Website of Tim Cahill is www.timcahill.com.

Contact Person of Tim Cahill

The contact person of Tim Cahill is Tim Cahill.

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