Tim Bernardes Address and Contact Number

Tim Bernardes Contact Phone Number is : +44 0113 245 4399

and Address is Unit 20, Croydon House, Croydon Street, Leeds, LS11 9RT, UK.
Tim Bernardes Sao Paulo, Brazil. A Latin Grammy nominated singer, songwriter, musician, composer, and producer, Bernardes has also collaborated with Fleet Foxes, Tom Ze, David Byrne, Gal Costa, Devendra Banhart, Shintaro Sakamoto, and more. Tim Bernardes is a musician, composer, music producer and multi instrumentalist. Best known for being the lead singer of the Brazilian indie band O Terno, he released four albums and one EP with the band and already has two solo records, all of them featuring his own compositions.Responsible for composing, playing, producing, directing, mixing, and arranging the album –with Gui Jesus Toledo recording, supervising, and mastering the album– Bernardes dances between the everyday and the miraculous, crafting songs that inspire with their sweetness, directness, and inherent serenity. Bernardes is currently on tour through the U.S, Europe, and Brazil. Paraphrasing the lyrics of “Meus 26” from Mil Coisas Invisíveis, his current journey is his chance to show Brazil to the world. But also show Brazil the world. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Tim Bernardes is mentioned in below section.

Address of Tim Bernardes

The address of Tim Bernardes is Unit 20, Croydon House, Croydon Street, Leeds, LS11 9RT, UK..

Contact Number of Tim Bernardes

The contact number of Tim Bernardes is +44 0113 245 4399.

Email Address of Tim Bernardes

The email address of Tim Bernardes is aja@fortwilliammanagement.com or martin@theglowmgmt.com.

Website of Tim Bernardes

The Website of Tim Bernardes is www.timbernardes.com.

Contact Person of Tim Bernardes

The contact person of Tim Bernardes is Martin Anderson.

Tim Bernardes Source of Knowledge

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