Ramiz Raja Address and Contact Number

Ramiz Raja Contact Phone Number is : +92-300-8455201

and Address is House No 404 Sitara Gold colony, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Ramiz Hasan Raja is a Pakistani cricket commentator and former cricketer who served as the Chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board in 2021-2022. He was a part of the Pakistani squad which won the 1992 Cricket World Cup. As a player, Raja represented Pakistan during the 1980s and the 1990s. He was a key figure in the sport and is considered to have been a man of integrity and dignity. He was a prominent batter in Pakistan's domestic cricket and a key figure in the country's ODI teams in the 1980s and early 1990s. He also captained Pakistan late in his career. In the World Cups of 1987 and 1992 he was a key figure, and as well as taking the catch that won the title for Pakistan in 1992, he scored two hundreds in the tournament. His integrity and seniority helped him when he captained Pakistan late in his career, but those qualities became of greater use after he retired. He is now a commentator and television host. Raja provides commentary on Pakistan cricket for domestic and international tournaments, as well as on Test Match Special and Sky Sports. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ramiz Raja is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ramiz Raja

The address of Ramiz Raja is House No 404 Sitara Gold colony, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Contact Number of Ramiz Raja

The contact number of Ramiz Raja is +92-300-8455201.

Email Address of Ramiz Raja

The email address of Ramiz Raja is amiz.raja@pcb.com.pk.

Website of Ramiz Raja

The Website of Ramiz Raja is www.pcb.com.pk.

Contact Person of Ramiz Raja

The contact person of Ramiz Raja is Ramiz Raja.

Ramiz Raja Source of Knowledge

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