Pantaloons Ahmedabad Address and Contact Number

Pantaloons Ahmedabad Contact Phone Number is : +91079 3045 2760

and Address is 10 Acres, Ahmedabad City Mall, Opposite Arya Samaj Mandir, Kankaria, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Pantaloons is one of the India’s leading multiNational Company. It was initially a part of the Future Group and is newly acquired Business by the Aditya Birla Nuvo Limited (ABNL). Both the companies work closely in order to develop operational interactions and collaborations for back-end and supply chain. ABNL is a part of the Aditya Birla Group and is present across various sectors like Financial, Telecom, Fashion and Lifestyle, Manufacturing, Private Equity, Wealth Mangement, Broking and General Insurance etc. Pantaloons is a powerhouse of fresh Fashion and innovation. It is an apparel Company which offers the latest trends for the ever changing Fashion trends. In 1997, it launched its first store at Gariahat, Kolkata. To begin with it was a retail of a mix of various brands and now it has grown to have an in-house design studio manufacturing its own private labels. At Ahmedabad the store has four outlets which are at Kankaria, Law Garden, Gulmoher park and Alfano City Centre. It is a chain of eighty three Fashion stores across forty cities and towns in India. It is one of the fastest growing apparel companies and offers an abundance in the choICEs of apparels for men, women and kids ranging from western to Indian wear, formal to party wear etc. It was awarded “North-East Consumer Awards 2013” for the “Most preferred Fashion Retail Destination of the Year” and also got gold and silver at The Indian Digital Media Awards (IDMA) 2013.

Address : Abhijit III, Netaji Road, Near Law Garden, Opposite Mayor's Bungalow, Ahmedabad - 380006
Phone No : 07940048398

Address: Satellite Road, Gulmohar park Mall, Opposite Satellite PolICE Station, Ahmedabad - 380015
Phone No : 07930480260 The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Pantaloons Ahmedabad is mentioned in below section.

Address of Pantaloons Ahmedabad

The address of Pantaloons Ahmedabad is 10 Acres, Ahmedabad City Mall, Opposite Arya Samaj Mandir, Kankaria, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Contact Number of Pantaloons Ahmedabad

The contact number of Pantaloons Ahmedabad is +91079 3045 2760.

Email Address of Pantaloons Ahmedabad

The email address of Pantaloons Ahmedabad is

Website of Pantaloons Ahmedabad

The Website of Pantaloons Ahmedabad is

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