Jansher Khan Address and Contact Number

Jansher Khan Contact Phone Number is : +92 3474507743

and Address is 62 Mall Rd, Hassan Ghari Peshawar Cantonment, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 25000, Pakistan
Jansher Khan PP SI HI NI is a former professional Pakistani squash player. During his career, Khan won many championship games and received several awards, and held the rank of number 1 in the world for over a decade. Jansher Khan, a cornerstone of Pakistan's dominance in squash during the 1980s and 1990s, won eight World Championships and six British Open titles. He also held the World No. 1 position for a record 97 months and ended his career with a total of 99 professional titles, the highest in the men's game. Khan was known for his lightning-fast reflexes and movement around the court. Some spectators said he floated across the court, so fast but light on his feet. Regarded as having one of the best all- round games of all time, his phenomenal speed generated from his tall wiry frame, lightning-fast reflexes and fluid movement. His successes on court saw him move out of the mighty shadow of his legendary countryman Jahangir Khan and dominate the sport himself for a decade. He is currently the head coach of Squash Sports Directorate Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Jansher Khan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Jansher Khan

The address of Jansher Khan is 62 Mall Rd, Hassan Ghari Peshawar Cantonment, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 25000, Pakistan.

Contact Number of Jansher Khan

The contact number of Jansher Khan is +92 3474507743.

Email Address of Jansher Khan

The email address of Jansher Khan is jansher.khan@goo.gle.

Website of Jansher Khan

The Website of Jansher Khan is www.worldsquash.org.

Contact Person of Jansher Khan

The contact person of Jansher Khan is Jansher Khan.

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