Ica Greenhills Address and Contact Number

Ica Greenhills Contact Phone Number is : +63 2 723 7041

and Address is 10 Grant Street, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines.
The Immaculate Conception Academy is also known as ICA Greenhills.
This is a Private, Catholic, Exclusive Girls' School situated in
Manila. It is Filipino-Chinese girls School run by the Missionary Sisters of Immaculate Conception (MIC) which is a Canadian founded congregation of women religious by Delia Tetreault.
The School directress is Sr. Dina Ang. The ICA was established in 1936. The ICA's Dress code is White and Blue. This School is affiliated to Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception and EDSA - Ortigas Consortium. The mission of this School is make skilled women professionals with potential future. The address and contact number of Ica Greenhills is also used for Ica Greenhills tuition fee, Ica Greenhills contact, Ica Greenhills filipino forum, Ica Greenhills School song, Ica Greenhills admission, Ica Greenhills School calendar and Ica Greenhills scandal. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ica Greenhills is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ica Greenhills

The address of Ica Greenhills is 10 Grant Street, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines..

Contact Number of Ica Greenhills

The contact number of Ica Greenhills is +63 2 723 7041.

Email Address of Ica Greenhills

The email address of Ica Greenhills is .

Website of Ica Greenhills

The Website of Ica Greenhills is www.icagh.edu.ph.

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Ica Greenhills Address Contact Number
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