Ica Building Address and Contact Number

Ica Building Contact Phone Number is : 6391 6100,

and Address is Immigration & Checkpoints Authority, ICA Building 10 Kallang Road Singapore 208718
The Immigration & Checkpoints Authority is a security Company.
It also performs immigration and registration functions such as the issuing of travel documents and identity Cards to Singapore citizens and Foreigners also.This Company was formed in 2003. The ICA is part of the Ministry of Home Affairs,Government of Singapore. This security Company is Expressing its horizons in the republic of Singapore as well Abroad by providing Immigration and traveling related servICE to its customers. The address and contact number of Ica Building is also used for Ica building appointment, Ica building photo booth, Ica building food, Ica site, Ica building bus, Ica building car park, Ica building directory and Ica building photo takin. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ica Building is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ica Building

The address of Ica Building is Immigration & Checkpoints Authority, ICA Building 10 Kallang Road Singapore 208718.

Contact Number of Ica Building

The contact number of Ica Building is 6391 6100,.

Email Address of Ica Building

The email address of Ica Building is .

Website of Ica Building

The Website of Ica Building is www.ica.gov.sg.

Ica Building Source of Knowledge

Ica Building Address Contact Number
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