Fox News Headquarters Address and Contact Number

Fox News Headquarters Contact Phone Number is : (212) 301-3000

and Address is 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY
Fox News Headquarters is located in New York City of United States. Fox News is an American News channel. This channel is providing its Services since October 7, 1996. It is a major News channel of America. This News channel is associated with other channels like Fox Business Network, Fox Broadcasting Company, Sky News, Sky News Australia and Sky TG24. Fox News is also available in high definition quality. It is broadcasted worldwide. This News channel works under 'Fox Entertainment Group' of America. Fox News also provides radio and online News Services. The channel is available on Cable Tv network. The address and contact number of Fox News Headquarters is also used for Fox National News, Fox vs fox News and Fox News opinion shows. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Fox News Headquarters is mentioned in below section.

Address of Fox News Headquarters

The address of Fox News Headquarters is 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY.

Contact Number of Fox News Headquarters

The contact number of Fox News Headquarters is (212) 301-3000.

Email Address of Fox News Headquarters

The email address of Fox News Headquarters is .

Website of Fox News Headquarters

The Website of Fox News Headquarters is

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Ms. Da .pravNov 17, 2024
???? ?????? ??????? ?? ?? ????? ?? ?? ????? ??? ???? ? ??????? ????????? ????? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ??????? ? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ? ?? ?? ? ??????? ?????? ????? ????? ? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ??????? .??????? ??? ????? ??????? ????? ? ? ???? ????? ????? ?? ? ????????????? ??? ??? ????? ??? ? ???????? ???? ? ???? ?? ??? ??????? ? ??? ??? ??? ??????????? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ? ? ????? ?? ? ? ??? ???????? ? ??? ??? ??????? ? ????? ? ??? ??????? ? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ????? ??????? ? ??????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ????? ??? ??? ?????????? ?? ????-???? ???????? .????????? ?? ??? ? ???? ????? ??????? ???? ? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ? ??? ????. ????? ????? ? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ????? ? ? ???? ??? ? ????? ??? ??????? ???? ?????? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ????? ? ????? ??? ?? ????? ? ????? ? ??? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ??? .?????
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Mr. CLARENCE GREENOct 28, 2023
I am perplex about Will and Pete off the wall segment today about the middle east war. I do not know how you can miss the first Gulf War in 1990, especially since we just ended this 30 plus year conflict. Also, Colin Powell is completed the most dynamic in the 91 day conflict with Iraq in 1990. Keep up the good work. I like it. Clarence, 20 year Army Veteran.
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Mr. PAUL F. LEUTGEBDec 18, 2022
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Mr. Aaron PattersonJun 23, 2022
Get Martha MacCallum and Neil Cavuto off of Fox News
If airing the sham 1/6 hearings is an attempt to get better ratings for those two hours then good luck with that. Fox News is absolutely losing its backbone
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Mr. Ed ScottFeb 23, 2022
Tucker Carlson's support for Vladimir Putin is no different than what Tokyo Roses did propagandizing US soldiers in WWII or what Hanoi Hannahs did during the Vietnam War. Tucker Carlson is a traitor to America, democracy and freedom. Fox News should fire Tucker Carlson. - A two back-to-back combat tour, Bronze Star Vietnam War Vet.
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Mr. Ken CaseDec 07, 2021
Other than the fact that Fox News is noticeably sliding left which in itself (over time) will reduce your ratings and viewership, that is not MY complaint. My beef is with the streaming service I use to watch from 4pm till 9pm-- The Five and Bret and Tucker (well until he seems to have off the rail) and the fact that ALMOST EVERY DAY WHEN IT IS 4PM---the streaming service is interrupted by either the voice breaking up or the screen going blank for 30 seconds or it not coming back at all. This has been going on for some time now and I want to tell you have lost yet another viewer.
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Mr. John ClarkAug 31, 2021
I just could not watch Joe Biden this afternoon. Watching him lie so much and pass the blame onto others is a crying shame for a grown man to do. This just makes me so sick to watch him kick dirt on the Arm Service just shows how stupid this person is. He should leave, For it is better to quit and leave than it is to quit and stay.
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Ms. susan curtinJun 24, 2021
Please, , Get rid of Juan Williams. He is nasty and brings
nothing to the table. Thank goodness is off The Five
Let me go to MSNBA or CNN

We LOVE FOX. Terrific people.
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Mr. fred sladekJan 13, 2021
bye you have become the likes of NBC CNN ETC
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Mr. Steve McdonaldNov 07, 2020
I have been an avid Fox News watcher for years, but your complicity to what is going on in this election has changed my view of your station and I will never watch it again. My views represent the same views my friends have and we are eager to see your ratings drop significantly. There are other conservative options opening up and I will now be watching them. Fox has been a disgrace being complicit to the democrats stealing this election. Steve Mcdonald .
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Mr. Fred KelvingtonOct 04, 2020
Chris Wallace is always attacking Republican guest. However, when he interviews Democrat guest he treats them with respect with kid gloves. All guest should be treated the same and shown the same respect. It's very apparent he does not support President Trump, which is right. However, he needs to report and interview leaving his personal feelings and opinions to himself. All I'm waiting for is Chris Wallace to do is have a Biden/Harris sign to displayed behind him on Sunday mornings. Maybe CNN is hiring. Believe me that there are many FOX News watchers that feel the same as me. Unfortunately I know my comments will fall on deaf ears and I will never receive a response?
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Ms. Jeanette AndersonSep 30, 2020
I would like to say that For News is getting about as bad as CNN, NBC, ABC and the the rest of the Fake news channels. It looks like the only channel I am going to be able to watch where I get the truth is the Newsmax Station. You need to get rid of that Socialist Elite Liberal Nut Chris Wallace and Chris Wallace set President Trump up on the debate. I can tell you that the idiot Joe Biden was wearing a wire to help him talk and Chris Wallace was helping him. I would not be surprised if he was given the questions just like your Socialist Liberal Donna Brazil gave to Hillary Clinton in her debate in 2016. Donna Brazil should be in jail because what she did with Hillary Clinton. Yet, the laws do not apply to you Liberals. I know that your CEO's are just Liberal Democrats. The only reason I watch your station is because of Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Hannity and Judge Pirro. They actually tell the truth. GET RID OF CHRIS WALLACE VERY BIASED.
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Ms. Sally AlbitzAug 27, 2020
Fox News used to be channel you could respect; no longer You have way to many liberals on and especially ones that do not tell the truth. Why is Donna Brazile on here. She cheated and lied during the 2016 debates. She was caught red-handed giving Hillary the questions ahead of time. Is this the kind of person that we should associate with the morals of FOX NEWS. What about Juan Williams? He just makes up stuff to justify his outrageous claims. He nor Donna Brazile are not entitled to their own facts. The truth is the truth. You fired Trish Reagan for a stupid reason, yet you hire and promote a known liar and cheat. You are losing fans.
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Mr. Daniel LyonsAug 26, 2020
I have been a fan of FOX for many years and have become so frustrated with the way your On Air News Commentators/Show hosts (with exception of Tucker Carlson, Shawn Hannity, The Greg Gutfield Show and four out of the five personalities on the Five) allow the guests on the left to misrepresent the truth when defending their position I find myself standing in front of my 65" TV shouting at the top of my voice for YOUR Team to challenge them when they purposely distort the truth At what point will FOX STOP TELLING ITS AUDIENCE THEY ARE FAIR AND BALANCED? IN MY OPINION, YOUR NETWORK HAS BEEN LEANING MORE AND MORE LEFT FOR SOME YEARS. WITH HOSTS LIKE WALLACE AND COMMENTATORS SUCH AS RIVERA, YOU MIGHT AS WELL BE A SISTER STATION TO CNN AND MSNBC, ETC. YOUR RECENT MOVE TO HIRE DONNA BRIZZEL HAS INFURATED MANY OF YOUR LONG-TIME FANS, ME INCLUDED. CAN'T BELIEVE YOU OVER-LOOKED HER BLATANT, DISHONEST ACTIVITIES TO DEPRIVE PRESIDENT TRUMP OF HIS VICTORY HAD ENOUGH LOOKING FOR AN ALTERNATIVE.
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Mr. Tracy SalamanderAug 25, 2020
I’ve been a loyal viewer since Fox’s inception. I cannot believe what I’m seeing. A parade of fools as hosts, commentators and pundits seeming to side with the enemies of America. For months now I’ve watched a once great network turn sour and begin to conform to the anti-American line of the left, sickening. When you showcase malcontents like the ones in the photo, you insult the very audience that made your network here in America. EVERY time they spout their hatred of America and President Trump your credibility goes south. In the last month or two I’ve been switching over to OAN. The only show I can enjoy if Steve, Ainsley and Brian, even then when you add in the haters to comment it is disgusting. I noticed that your advertisers are much lower quality these days. Maybe adding Paul Ryan, turncoat never trumper and Danny O’Brien, well known democrat and former Biden chief of staff. I hope your network continues to decline because that’s the fate you deserve.
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Mr. Bob HaydenAug 15, 2020
Why do we not look at the proposed stimulus package as a cost of our per capita cost. If I looke at the current population, the $3. five trillionis between $9000 to $10000 per every man woman and child who are citizens of the USA?
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Mr. john pappApr 12, 2020
Without Trish Regan and with Chris Wallace FOX is slowly going down the Democratic drain. WHAT is going on ? I guess your next target is Sean Hannity, You know him. He is the guy that pays you every week. I cannot tell you how many times I have turned Fox off or switched to One America. Don't laugh. Just keep an eye your ratings. You are following CNN NBC and MSNBC. I just cannot believe it. I think that what you need is either a change of management OR maybe, another new channel to create a little competition for you. You do know that there are a few for sale. It is not that hard to do. Oh, and yes, I would start by hiring a few of your best. Regan is already available. John Papp
jpapp31@yahoo. Cpm.
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It is now time to let Chris Wallace go. It is most obvious that he no longer is willing to hold his opinion and be a vital journalist. He has just lost it. Please let him go to MSNBC. He and Rachel Maddow will have a love affair together. Please.
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Ms. Mary PowellOct 29, 2019
Fox News, the news reported to you by Sex Offenders, Liars and Racist. Be sure to watch for your latest miss information brought to you by the station that employees the losers no reputable news station would ever hire. There's Sean Hannity, aka the Rush Limbaugh wantabe. The #1 liar next to the current White House resident. So Sean, made the world record yet for the most in the least amount of time?
Next you have Laura Ingraham who is also known as the Spin Bitch. Laura likes to take highly decorated Military officers who have fought for our county and are honorable and try to turn them into enemies of our country when all they did was tell their concern about a lying fake bone spur narcissist liar. Way to go Laura, says a lot about your integrity. None. And Now they are bring aboard a new liar Sarah Huckabee Sanders who had to admit under oath about lying to the American People, and we're to believe her now that Fox has hired her. LOL And last, but not least is Racist Carlson.
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Ms. Toni MaisonneuveOct 12, 2019
I think Arthelle and co-host are very obviously biased against President Trump. They continually bring on left wing guests and let them filibuster while confronting right wing guests with main stream media rhetoric. I look for facts not repeated talking points and left wing rhetoric. I have difficulty listening to this program and have been changing the channel whenever they are on or turning off the sound or shutting off TV or radio altogether. It is becoming evident that the hosts of a lot of the FOX news program hosts have either been reigned in by a higher authority or they are beginning to show their true colors. I relied on FOX news to be the one media source I could trust, but of late have been skeptical with what is happening with your show hosts. This is only one little voice, but please be advised that many are beginning to see this and it will eventually affect your ratings.
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Mr. Robert LefrancoisSep 29, 2019
Fox TV has gotten as bad as the fake news channels Your greed is terrible If and when, you decide that you are asking TOO MUCH of Dish network, to broadcast your programs, I doubt vert seriously if I will EVER tune into your station(s) again Are you trying to get your ratings down to a manageable size, like CNN?
You are as bad as the Democrats you profess to dislike
I am now getting used to another channel for my local news
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Mr. Harry HigginbothamSep 27, 2019
You people are fast fading leftists I am a long-term viewer and have been growing more and more unhappy with seeing you become a leftist soros-type garbage distributor. What a disappointment Like CNN, who once was a good source of information, you are now a good source of feces, like all the other msm ratholes. I hope you can keep your filthy hands off the stars of Fox Business; if not, I'll have all the Fox stations blocked on my television. One day, I'll have a good laugh when the commie dictator-in-chief decides ONE broadcaster is enough, and it won't be any of you

Good riddance, clowns.
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Mr. Leonard BakerSep 19, 2019
FOX is the only news network (cable) that truly provides fair and balanced coverage of their news without spin, omissions or enhancements. Watching your coverage from Germany where news media is self censored and reports only in conformity to Governments messaging, similar to what CNN, MSMBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, WASHINGTON POST, , etc practice for DNC. Keep up the great reporting (except for Shepherd Smith). The Truth wii Set Us Free.
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Mr. Bill BradshawJan 22, 2019
Such addresses are fine ---, but why are people so darn lazy that they can not ADD THE ZIP CODE?
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Mr. D. WilsonJan 14, 2019
I always watch or at least for the time being Fox News/Business News etc. But I'm so sick and tired of listening to these "all important personalities". Hannity, Dobbs, Laura to mention a few. It was bad enough with O'Reilly
I at one time I even heard Hannity say he has been told by people what he does to his guests. Pompous prick thought it was funny and said he would not change. They ask questions of guests, but always have to interrupt or over shout to show THEIR intelligence. Guess I'll have to back to watching Cop programs. Shame .
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Ms. Linda ILLNov 07, 2018
I've been ready for a long time to quit FoxNews as a viewer. The final straw was when Fox called the U. S. House for the Democrats a full 90 minutes before the polls were closed on the West Coast. You people once were the only alternative conservatives had to the extreme left-wing radical "media". But you have incrementally become more and more leftist and biased, so consider me among the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of FORMER VIEWERS. TV news will one day be as obsolete as landlines. MY FAMILY WILL NEVER WATCH FOX NEWS AGAIN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER.
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Mr. Jack HensleyOct 31, 2018
Please consider my observation. I watched with great concern when Fox and Friends did their outside show this week. I could not believe in this time of insane nut jobs FOX was broadcasting outside with seemingly no security. To add to my apprehension was the fact that there were only card board signs between the cast and traffic just a few feet away. Remember the car bombings or just the ramming of pedestrians on the street?

To top it all it was announced that the outside broadcast would be repeated on election day My goodness talk about an invitation to wipe out FOX Who is doing the thinking there?

Unless you have security I did not see you are providing a 'golden invitation' for a terrorist attack It's not like you do not have enemies to worry about. Please rethink the outdoor broadcasting, or at least do it on the roof top. Best wishes,
Jack Hensley .
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Ms. Ruth GrantAug 23, 2018
Please Do Not expect us to believe the polls stating Trump is behind and the DNC is polling ahead
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Mr. Kenny G. LoyJun 23, 2018
I despise your new Fox News app. I on the verge of deleting it. This new app is disgusting.
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Angela H. Whitt Customer Phone Number
Ms. Angela H. WhittMay 28, 2018
Right now I feel Fox News failed in covering the Memorial Day Ceremoney at Arlington Cemetery. Coverage of the wreath laying was fine. However, coverage of the remainder of the ceremoney was disgraceful and disrespectful. You and your guests were talking over the generals who spoke and over the music. That ceremoney is like a church service. Shut up and listen. Fox showed only one family of the distinguished guests. Why weren't the others shown, such as Senator Dole and Sgt. Chavez? Then to hit rock bottom, you talked over the playing of taps. I cannot tell you how offended I was. Our ceremoney here in Huntsville, Alabama was cancelled because of the weather. Fox then did not allow us to enjoy the televised ceremoney. My husband, Danny has laid a wreath at the Tomb and visited with the Old Guard in their quarters. We hold all things military in very high regard. I hope you will do right next year and allow the people who could not attend, enjoy the ceremoney.
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