Dr. Sridev Shastri Address and Contact Number

Dr. Sridev Shastri Contact Phone Number is : +91 9051822756

and Address is 10/2 a, Tusti Apartment, Nepal Bhattacharjee St, Anami Sangha, Kalighat, Kolkata, West Bengal 700026
Dr. Sridev Shastri is an Astro Researcher & Ph. D. Gold Medalist from Singapore & contributed his past 30 years in Vedic Astrology. He is famous for solving Match Making, Marriage related issues, Career Consultation, Vastu, Health, Love, or removing any kind of barrier/negative energy in life. He is a popular astrologer in India and internationally. He is known for his accurate predictions and guidance on personal, professional, and spiritual matters. Having 27 Year Experience in Astrology & Tantra, made him 24K Global Client base & popularity in Cities like Delhi Mumbai Kolkata USA UK Africa, etc. He is awarded many honors- Jyotish Podmashree & Bharat Alankar Award Winner(New Delhi), Jyotish Padmavusan Award, Asian Distinguished Award, and many others. He offers consultations online and in person. He is known for his expertise in numerology, palmistry, and Vastu Shastra. He offers a variety of services, including career, marriage, love, and business advice. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dr. Sridev Shastri is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dr. Sridev Shastri

The address of Dr. Sridev Shastri is 10/2 a, Tusti Apartment, Nepal Bhattacharjee St, Anami Sangha, Kalighat, Kolkata, West Bengal 700026.

Contact Number of Dr. Sridev Shastri

The contact number of Dr. Sridev Shastri is +91 9051822756.

Email Address of Dr. Sridev Shastri

The email address of Dr. Sridev Shastri is astrologersridev@gmail.com.

Website of Dr. Sridev Shastri

The Website of Dr. Sridev Shastri is www.astrologersridev.com.

Contact Person of Dr. Sridev Shastri

The contact person of Dr. Sridev Shastri is Dr. Sridev Shastri.

Dr. Sridev Shastri Source of Knowledge

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