Dr. Sohini Sastri Address and Contact Number

Dr. Sohini Sastri Contact Phone Number is : +91 903 813 6660

and Address is 152, S P Mukherjee Road, 3rd Floor, Abhishek Point, Above Federal Bank, Kolkata, West Bengal 700026
Dr. Sohini Sastri is a multi-award-winning astrologer based in Kolkata. Over the last few decades, Dr. Sastri, one of the Top Astrologers in India, has helped thousands of her followers with astrological predictions and cosmic energy. She is famous for her accurate prediction and effective remedy selection. She is also felicitated by the 2 consecutive Presidents of India. Dr. Sohini Sastri, an astrologer, life coach, and philanthropist, was inclined towards spirituality from a young age. She was born in Kolkata, West Bengal and comes from a family of noble and famous personalities. She is belong to the family of Swami Dharmamegharanya Aranya and Swami Hariharananda Aranya, world famous hindu philosopher and Maharshi. She opted her career as astrologer and spiritual healer instead of family profession as lawyer and medical professional. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dr. Sohini Sastri is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dr. Sohini Sastri

The address of Dr. Sohini Sastri is 152, S P Mukherjee Road, 3rd Floor, Abhishek Point, Above Federal Bank, Kolkata, West Bengal 700026.

Contact Number of Dr. Sohini Sastri

The contact number of Dr. Sohini Sastri is +91 903 813 6660.

Email Address of Dr. Sohini Sastri

The email address of Dr. Sohini Sastri is sohini.sastri@gmail.com.

Website of Dr. Sohini Sastri

The Website of Dr. Sohini Sastri is www.sohinisastri.com.

Contact Person of Dr. Sohini Sastri

The contact person of Dr. Sohini Sastri is Dr. Sohini Sastri.

Dr. Sohini Sastri Source of Knowledge

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