Dima Kandalaft Address and Contact Number

Dima Kandalaft Contact Phone Number is : +963 93-2471318

and Address is Aleppo, Faisal Street - the first customs exit, all city, Rural Damascus, Syria.
Dima Kandalaft is a Syrian singer and actor born in Damascus. Dima studied Economy. She was a member of “Al-Farah” band, where she started singing. Kandalaft was born in Damascus to a Lebanese mother and a doctor father. She graduated from Damascus University with a degree in economics and married Humam Al Jazaeri, a former Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade.Dima Kandalaft is a Syrian singer and actor who started her career in a band and then became an actress. Kandalaft began her singing career in the band “Al-Farah” and later joined “Kaws Kozah” and “Safar”. One of her most prominent roles was a role in Bab al-Hara. On 30 May 2015, Kandalaft married Humam Al Jazaeri, a former Minister of Economy. Kandalaft confirmed that it was this stubbornness that she followed in her life that drew her current personality. You can listen her songs on sound cloud and spotify. Dima Kandalaft is known for Born from the Flank: Wilada Min Alkhasira (2011), Al Hayba (2017) and Our stories never end (2012). The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dima Kandalaft is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dima Kandalaft

The address of Dima Kandalaft is Aleppo, Faisal Street - the first customs exit, all city, Rural Damascus, Syria..

Contact Number of Dima Kandalaft

The contact number of Dima Kandalaft is +963 93-2471318.

Email Address of Dima Kandalaft

The email address of Dima Kandalaft is dimakandalaftofficial@gmail.com.

Website of Dima Kandalaft

The Website of Dima Kandalaft is Not Known.

Contact Person of Dima Kandalaft

The contact person of Dima Kandalaft is Dima Kandalaft.

Dima Kandalaft Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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