Dima Bilan Address and Contact Number

Dima Bilan Contact Phone Number is : +44 207 378 7321

and Address is Ust-Dzheguta, Karachay-Cherkessia, Soviet Union.
Dima Nikolayevich Bilan is a Russian singer. In 2002, Bilan participated in the first edition of New Wave. At the end of the contest, he finished in fourth place. In 2003, Bilan released his debut album Ya nochnoy huligan, which became popular in Russia and was received well among critics. In 2021, he published his most recent album, titled "13 druzei Bilana," which means "13 Friends of Bilan." The album mixes cheerful songs with slower ones. Bilan repeatedly became the laureate of "Soundtrack" in various categories: 2003 - Sexiest Artist. 2004 - "Singer of the Year". Dima won three most prestigious awards for 'Best Performer', 'Best Song' and – for the third time in three years - 'Best Artist'. Dima Bilan was also the winner of 2008's Eurovision Song Contest and picked up the best male singer award for the fourth time and the second time. Dima's first international album in English will be released in United States and Europe this year with a record major, and its Spanish version to be released in Latin America this year as well. Dima Bilan and his management team are currently working on the stage presentation of Believe. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dima Bilan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dima Bilan

The address of Dima Bilan is Ust-Dzheguta, Karachay-Cherkessia, Soviet Union..

Contact Number of Dima Bilan

The contact number of Dima Bilan is +44 207 378 7321.

Email Address of Dima Bilan

The email address of Dima Bilan is president@bilanclub.com.

Website of Dima Bilan

The Website of Dima Bilan is bilandima.ru.

Contact Person of Dima Bilan

The contact person of Dima Bilan is Yana Rudkovskaya.

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