Ashwood University Address and Contact Number

Ashwood University Contact Phone Number is : 1-888-345-0304

and Address is 5721 Will Clayton Parkway #1301, Humble, TX 77338
Ashwood University is a public University which awards the degrees and certificates according to the experience gain by the person during his life. The University has various parameters and rating System on the basis of which this University deCIDe the experience of a person in his life or in any field. This University is not acCredited or affiliated to any institution. In 2008 this University was reported as a fake University with fraudulent degrees. The address and contact number of Ashwood University is also used for Ashwood University contact information, Ashwood University complaints, Ashwood University address, Ashwood University review and Ashwood University Diploma mill. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ashwood University is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ashwood University

The address of Ashwood University is 5721 Will Clayton Parkway #1301, Humble, TX 77338.

Contact Number of Ashwood University

The contact number of Ashwood University is 1-888-345-0304.

Email Address of Ashwood University

The email address of Ashwood University is

Website of Ashwood University

The Website of Ashwood University is

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Ashwood University Address Contact Number
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Ashwood University User Reports

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Mr. Kyle OuterbridgeMay 13, 2016
Why is not there any building to show Ashwood University. It just shows grass area next to a bus transportation building.
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