the Tower Hamlets London Borough Address and Contact Number

the Tower Hamlets London Borough Contact Phone Number is : 020 7364 5002

and Address is Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, E14 2BG, London, UK
The Tower Hamlets London Borough is the area of east London adjacent to Rive Thames. It includes Docklands, India Docks, Canary Whart etc. It is the abode of many of highest building in the London. The whole ares is administrated by local authority called Tower Hamlets London Borough Council. The borough was incorporated on 1 April 1965 spread over an area of about 7.63 square miles. The address and contact number of The Tower Hamlets London Borough is also used for London Borough of Tower Hamlets core strategy, London Borough of Tower Hamlets map, London Borough of Tower Hamlets chief executive, London Borough of Tower Hamlets register offICE, London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council tax, London Borough of Tower Hamlets jobs, London Borough of Tower Hamlets recycling and London Borough of Tower Hamlets parking. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of the Tower Hamlets London Borough is mentioned in below section.

Address of the Tower Hamlets London Borough

The address of the Tower Hamlets London Borough is Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, E14 2BG, London, UK.

Contact Number of the Tower Hamlets London Borough

The contact number of the Tower Hamlets London Borough is 020 7364 5002.

Email Address of the Tower Hamlets London Borough

The email address of the Tower Hamlets London Borough is

Website of the Tower Hamlets London Borough

The Website of the Tower Hamlets London Borough is

the Tower Hamlets London Borough Source of Knowledge
the Tower Hamlets London Borough Address Contact Number
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