Ze Renato Address and Contact Number

Ze Renato Contact Phone Number is : +55 (888) 332-1844

and Address is 6222 Wilshire Boulevard #600, Los Angeles, California 90048, USA
Renato is a Brazilian singer, songwriter, and guitarist. He has released many albums and his songs have been recorded by Milton Nascimento, Jon Anderson, Leila Pinheiro, Lulu Santos, Nana Caymmi, MPB-4, and Boca Livre. He is a Brazilian singer, songwriter, guitarist, and producer, has been described as having one of the most beautiful voices in Brazilian music. His songs have been recorded by other artists, including Milton Nascimento, Jon Anderson, Leila Pinheiro, Lulu Santos, Nana Caymmi, MPB-4, and Boca Livre. He has Best Latin Pop Album at the 65th Annual Grammy Awards. And he also got Nominated for Best Latin Children's Album for Forro Pras Crianca. He is celebrating almost 50 years of career with the solo album “Quando a Noite Vem” (When the Evening Comes) and with the news that Boca Livre has been nominated for Best Latin Pop Album in the 2023 Grammy Awards with the album “Pasieros”, recorded alongside the renowned Panamanian artist Rubén Blades. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ze Renato is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ze Renato

The address of Ze Renato is 6222 Wilshire Boulevard #600, Los Angeles, California 90048, USA.

Contact Number of Ze Renato

The contact number of Ze Renato is +55 (888) 332-1844.

Email Address of Ze Renato

The email address of Ze Renato is contact@jamesgavin.com.

Website of Ze Renato

The Website of Ze Renato is www.jamesgavin.com.

Contact Person of Ze Renato

The contact person of Ze Renato is Ze Renato.

Ze Renato Source of Knowledge

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