Yara Mustafa Address and Contact Number

Yara Mustafa Contact Phone Number is : +962 6 430 0230

and Address is 7467 Avenida Del Mar APT 1701, Boca Raton, FL 33433.
Yara Mustafa is a Saudi-born, Jordanian-raised singer and actress who is gaining recognition in the music industry. Mustafa's debut single, "A'ISH BALAK", was released in April 2024. The song reflects her belief in the strength of women. Mustafa has faced societal expectations that discouraged her from pursuing her musical career, but she has persevered. Mustafa was cast as an actress on the Netflix show AlRawabi School for Girls at age 17. She also recorded the show's theme song. Born in Saudi Arabia and growing up between Jordan and Kuwait, Yara Al Mustafa was quick to shine in the spotlight. Alongside her acting, she grew over 1.2 million followers on TikTok after posting singing covers. Now, she's made her first big move into the music industry. Yara Mustafa has always wanted to pursue acting and has gained the majority of her acting experience from Theatre and Musical Theatre. In addition to acting, Yara Mustafa has been training as a Soprano for many years and that has helped her in her Musical Theater experience quite a lot. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Yara Mustafa is mentioned in below section.

Address of Yara Mustafa

The address of Yara Mustafa is 7467 Avenida Del Mar APT 1701, Boca Raton, FL 33433..

Contact Number of Yara Mustafa

The contact number of Yara Mustafa is +962 6 430 0230.

Email Address of Yara Mustafa

The email address of Yara Mustafa is yaramustafaib@gmail.com.

Website of Yara Mustafa

The Website of Yara Mustafa is www.yaramustafa.com.

Contact Person of Yara Mustafa

The contact person of Yara Mustafa is Yara Mustafa.

Yara Mustafa Source of Knowledge

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