Yacoub Shaheen Address and Contact Number

Yacoub Shaheen Contact Phone Number is : +970 592252580

and Address is 270 Hebron-Jerusalem Street, Bethlehem, Palestine.
Yacoub Shaheen is an Assyrian-Palestinian singer from the West Bank city of Bethlehem. haheen is Palestine's contestant on Arab Idol, the glamorous yearly entertainment contest that is must-see TV for millions across the Middle East. In 2017, Shaheen won the TV program Arab Idol, a program with approximately 120 millionYacoub entered and won many singing competitions in his school. In 2005 he won the title in a competition as the “Star of Palestine.” His turning point was in 2012 when he entered a Palestinian music competition and won the title of “New Star of Palestine.” viewers in the Arab World. Shaheen, an ethnic Assyrian, is a master of several musical instruments, including the bozouk, clarinet, and other rhythmic instruments. In 2005 he participated in the Palestinian Muhawm program. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Yacoub Shaheen is mentioned in below section.

Address of Yacoub Shaheen

The address of Yacoub Shaheen is 270 Hebron-Jerusalem Street, Bethlehem, Palestine..

Contact Number of Yacoub Shaheen

The contact number of Yacoub Shaheen is +970 592252580.

Email Address of Yacoub Shaheen

The email address of Yacoub Shaheen is jcrickx@unicef.org.

Website of Yacoub Shaheen

The Website of Yacoub Shaheen is Not Known.

Contact Person of Yacoub Shaheen

The contact person of Yacoub Shaheen is Yacoub Shaheen.

Yacoub Shaheen Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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