Xfm Manchester Address and Contact Number

Xfm Manchester Contact Phone Number is : 0161-662-4700

and Address is Suite 1-1, 4 Exchange Quay, Manchester, M5 3EE, United Kingdom
XFM Manchester is a well renowned local commercial radio Station. When it was commenced on 15 March 2006 the radio is engaged with GCap Media. But now the Owner of XFM Manchester is Global Radio Group, which is an private publishing and media industry. It broadcast 97.7 MHz frequency. Former notable RJ's are Andy Rourke,
Adam Cole, Darryl Morris, Guy Garvey, Russ Winstanley, Tony Wilson, Mick Rock, Lauren Laverne, Michelle Mullane, Mike Sweeney, Jason Manford, Paul Tonkinson, Mark Kaye, Dave Haslam, Mike McClean, Pete Mitchell, Sam Walke etc. The address and contact number of Xfm Manchester is also used for Xfm Manchester Wavelength, Xfm Manchester Breakfast Show, Xfm Manchester Dab Frequency and Xfm Manchester Liam Fray. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Xfm Manchester is mentioned in below section.

Address of Xfm Manchester

The address of Xfm Manchester is Suite 1-1, 4 Exchange Quay, Manchester, M5 3EE, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Xfm Manchester

The contact number of Xfm Manchester is 0161-662-4700.

Email Address of Xfm Manchester

The email address of Xfm Manchester is .

Website of Xfm Manchester

The Website of Xfm Manchester is www.xfm.co.uk.

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Xfm Manchester Address Contact Number
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