Wayne Rooney Address and Contact Number

Wayne Rooney Contact Phone Number is : +44 08459010229

and Address is 1st Floor, Sackville House, 143-149 Fenchurch Street, London, England, EC3M 6BL
Wayne Mark Rooney is an English professional football manager and former player who is the head coach of EFL Championship club Plymouth Argyle. Widely considered one of the best players of his generation and one of the greatest British players of all time, Rooney is the record goalscorer for Manchester United, and was the record goalscorer for the England national team from 2015 to 2023. Rooney was known for his technical prowess and ball control. Rooney's physical presence and energy levels allowed him to dominate matches and outlast opponents. Rooney believed that hard work was a fundamental characteristic that helped him get to the top of the game. Rooney is the head coach of Plymouth Argyle, a Sky Bet Championship side. He was appointed to the role in May 2024, and is thought to have signed a three-year contract. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Wayne Rooney is mentioned in below section.

Address of Wayne Rooney

The address of Wayne Rooney is 1st Floor, Sackville House, 143-149 Fenchurch Street, London, England, EC3M 6BL.

Contact Number of Wayne Rooney

The contact number of Wayne Rooney is +44 08459010229.

Email Address of Wayne Rooney

The email address of Wayne Rooney is nfo@waynerooneyfoundation.com.

Website of Wayne Rooney

The Website of Wayne Rooney is www.officialwaynerooney.com.

Contact Person of Wayne Rooney

The contact person of Wayne Rooney is Plymouth Argyle.

Wayne Rooney Source of Knowledge

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