Waed Address and Contact Number

Waed Contact Phone Number is : +966554771213

and Address is 4th Street, Behind Venicia Mall? Thuqbah, Al Khobar, 41912, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia.
Hanan Younis, widely known by her stage name Waed, is a Saudi singer and entertainer in the Middle East. Waed is a well-known Middle Eastern Arabic folk musician from Saudi Arabia who is known for her soulful and moving melodies. She has released four solo albums of traditional Syrian music, and toured internationally since 2010. She is a founding instructor-performer for the project "Orpheus XXI – Music for life and dignity," supporting refugee musicians in Europe. Waed's voice is distinguished with an ability to express a character and a performance of her own. Waed has made many appearances and interviews on various television and radio stations all over the Arab world. Waed has had several pan-Arab hits, including "Ya Ahlahom", "Ana Bekhair", and "Qaed Ala Qalbak". Waed launched a clothing line and said that entering the business world did not mean she would abandon her singing career. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Waed is mentioned in below section.

Address of Waed

The address of Waed is 4th Street, Behind Venicia Mall? Thuqbah, Al Khobar, 41912, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia..

Contact Number of Waed

The contact number of Waed is +966554771213.

Email Address of Waed

The email address of Waed is morriswade_ent@yahoo.com..

Website of Waed

The Website of Waed is www.waed.net.

Contact Person of Waed

The contact person of Waed is Waed.

Waed Source of Knowledge

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