Usha Martin Kolkata Address and Contact Number

Usha Martin Kolkata Contact Phone Number is : +9103339800300

and Address is Shakespeare Sarani, Elgin, Kolkata, West Bengal 700071, India
Usha Martin is a recognized firm which was established in the year 1961. The headquarters of the Company resides in Kolkata, West Bengal. The firm is best known for manufacturing specialty steel as well as wire rope. It also manufactures billets, wire rods, cables, pig iron and other allied products. In 2005, the firm has set up a DRI and WHRB plant for their steel part at Jamshedpur. In order to explore minerals in the Jharkhand State of India, the firm has signed joint venture conformity with BHP Billiton Ltd to perk up a venture firm named as Bharat Minex Pvt Ltd. It also has several branches in different locations such as Jharkhand, Ranchi, Jamshedpur, etc. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Usha Martin Kolkata is mentioned in below section.

Address of Usha Martin Kolkata

The address of Usha Martin Kolkata is Shakespeare Sarani, Elgin, Kolkata, West Bengal 700071, India.

Contact Number of Usha Martin Kolkata

The contact number of Usha Martin Kolkata is +9103339800300.

Email Address of Usha Martin Kolkata

The email address of Usha Martin Kolkata is

Website of Usha Martin Kolkata

The Website of Usha Martin Kolkata is

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Usha Martin Kolkata Address Contact Number
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