Urmila Matondkar Address and Contact Number

Urmila Matondkar Contact Phone Number is : +919867219330

and Address is 93/14, Lokhandwala Road, Andheri West, Mumbai, India
Urmila Matondkar is an Indian Film actress and Television Presenter. She was born on February 4, 1974 in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She started her acting career in year 1980 as a child artist in the film Kalyug. She started her career as an adult actress in the year 1991 in film Narsimha. She was Famous for her dancing skills and intense style and she has delivered wide range of critically acclaimed roles in various films. She has been nominated for Filmfare awards various times and she won the first Filmfare award for the film Bhoot. Urmila Matondkar has worked as a Judge in various reality shows on Television and has also hosted various reality shows. She has received many nominations and awards. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Urmila Matondkar is mentioned in below section.

Address of Urmila Matondkar

The address of Urmila Matondkar is 93/14, Lokhandwala Road, Andheri West, Mumbai, India.

Contact Number of Urmila Matondkar

The contact number of Urmila Matondkar is +919867219330.

Email Address of Urmila Matondkar

The email address of Urmila Matondkar is .

Website of Urmila Matondkar

The Website of Urmila Matondkar is .

Contact Person of Urmila Matondkar

The contact person of Urmila Matondkar is Urmila Matondkar.

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Urmila Matondkar Address Contact Number
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Mr. krishan kumarAug 19, 2016
Hlo mem. Me shri krishan from new Delhi. I am plying archery and am national medalest also
2 last month me and my team had come Mumbai in anderi bcz of playing archery tonamennt. I got medals there also. THEN we wacht bachan sahb bangala. We were found yuor banglo also BUT we couldn't be reach at your banglo
I know that i am talking useless
i doesn't know that how to talk eventhow i sending a message to you. MEM. Me and my girl frend a big fen of your i know that you are the super star and i am nothing frount of you
BUT I am trying to meet you, but do not konw when it I'll happend, but it I'll be done.
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Mr. ASIF CHAWLAJun 24, 2016
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Mr. subhash chander goyalMar 05, 2016
u are my favourate actress since 1980, i like you from mast movie and pinjar is the best i am from sriganagaNagar Rajasthan
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Mr. yaseenJun 13, 2015
I like you and you are my favourit actress
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