University of Iowa Burge Address and Contact Number

University of Iowa Burge Contact Phone Number is : 319-335-3000

and Address is 4141 Burge Hall, Iowa City, IA, United States
The Burge is the 2nd biggest hall in the University of Iowa. The University of Iowa is the public Research University. Burge hall is situated in east Campus, just two blocks north of the Pentacrest. In burge hall has double or single room’s and rooms are well furnished. Burge provides a various facilities, including: Dining facility, C - store, wireless facility, Hall fitness center, Campus servICE, Laundry, Copy Machine and ATM. The address and contact number of University of Iowa Burge is also used for University of Iowa Burge Menu, University of Iowa Burge Hall, University of Iowa Burge Hall Floor Plan and Burge Marketplace. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of University of Iowa Burge is mentioned in below section.

Address of University of Iowa Burge

The address of University of Iowa Burge is 4141 Burge Hall, Iowa City, IA, United States.

Contact Number of University of Iowa Burge

The contact number of University of Iowa Burge is 319-335-3000.

Email Address of University of Iowa Burge

The email address of University of Iowa Burge is .

Website of University of Iowa Burge

The Website of University of Iowa Burge is

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University of Iowa Burge Address Contact Number
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