UNICEF Delhi Address and Contact Number

UNICEF Delhi Contact Phone Number is : +91011 2469 0401

and Address is Lodi Estate, New Delhi, 110003, India
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is an active United Nations Program headquartered in New York City, United States. It was established on December 11, 1946 by the United Nations General assembly to provide healthcare and food to the Children in those countries destroyed by the World War II. The UNICEF has presence in more than one-hundred and ninety countries of the world. The UNICEF in India was started in the year 1949 and is headquartered at Lodi EState, New Delhi&sa=Search&ref='>Delhi, Delhi&sa=Search&ref='>Delhi, India. It is the largest United Nation Organization in India and the Programs of the UNICEF in India include health, Nutrition, Education, Child Protection, HIV AIDS and Environment and Sanitation. The UNICEF in India works with the Government of India to provide the best possible facilities to the Children in this Country. The UNICEF has more than ten offICEs located in different parts of the Country and the organization works with large number of celebrities from film industry, cricket players and other volunteers. In year 1965 the organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and in the year 2006, it was awarded the Prince of Austurias Award of Concord. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of UNICEF Delhi is mentioned in below section.

Address of UNICEF Delhi

The address of UNICEF Delhi is Lodi Estate, New Delhi, 110003, India.

Contact Number of UNICEF Delhi

The contact number of UNICEF Delhi is +91011 2469 0401.

Email Address of UNICEF Delhi

The email address of UNICEF Delhi is indiadonors@unicef.org.

Website of UNICEF Delhi

The Website of UNICEF Delhi is www.unicef.org.

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UNICEF Delhi Address Contact Number
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