Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Address and Contact Number

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Contact Phone Number is : +81 42-367-5504

and Address is 3-8-1 Harumicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0057, Japan
The Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology established as a National University in 1949 and located in Fuchu and Koganei, Tokyo. The University has developed as a unique science and Technology organization based on farming Technology and Engineering and its two medical fields support the basic principles of human community, farming and industry. The Educational and Research activities conducted by Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology can give rise to building a safe community and can create and develop new industries. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology is mentioned in below section.

Address of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

The address of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology is 3-8-1 Harumicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0057, Japan.

Contact Number of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

The contact number of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology is +81 42-367-5504.

Email Address of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

The email address of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology is .

Website of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

The Website of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology is

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Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Address Contact Number
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