Sunidhi Chauhaan Address and Contact Number

Sunidhi Chauhaan Contact Phone Number is : +91-7878249657

and Address is 2B/183 Winder Mayer, Andheri West, Mumbai-400058
Sunidhi Chauhan is an Indian Playback Singer born on 14th August 1983 in a Rajput Family in Delhi. She is known for her vocal ranger of versatility. She started singing at a very young age of four. She participated in many competition to made her presence felt. Her first break in Hindi film was in 1996 in Shastra movie. At the age 18 she got married to a music video director Bobby Khan against her family's wishes. After a year of her marriage with her husband Bobby khan she got divorced and reconciled with her parent. Later she got married again with music composer Hitesh Sonik. Apart from her music profession she appeared as judge in many Indian television singing reality shows and also appears in music videos. Believing that singing all kinds of songs makes her grow as a musician.Chauhan's work has received praise from several artists. Lata Mangeshkar called her the "Numero Uno" singer of the generation, and said: "Sunidhi can sing all kinds of songs. Sunidhi Chauhan is one of the India's most wealthiest singers with an estimated net worth of more than 13 million dollars. In addition to her music profession she has donated to several charities. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Sunidhi Chauhaan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Sunidhi Chauhaan

The address of Sunidhi Chauhaan is 2B/183 Winder Mayer, Andheri West, Mumbai-400058.

Contact Number of Sunidhi Chauhaan

The contact number of Sunidhi Chauhaan is +91-7878249657.

Email Address of Sunidhi Chauhaan

The email address of Sunidhi Chauhaan is

Website of Sunidhi Chauhaan

The Website of Sunidhi Chauhaan is

Contact Person of Sunidhi Chauhaan

The contact person of Sunidhi Chauhaan is Sunidhi Chauhaan.

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