Spire Cardiff Hospital Address and Contact Number

Spire Cardiff Hospital Contact Phone Number is : +44-29 2073 5515, Fax No: +44-29 2054 2512

and Address is Croescadarn Road, Pentwyn, Cardiff, CF23 8XL, UK
Spire Cardiff Hospital is one of the biggest Hospitals, and the Hospital is belongs to Cardiff, a city of wales. The Hospital is specialized in the providing of a comprehensive range of complementary therapies-acupuncture, homeopathy, aromatherapy, reiki, reflexology and physiotherapy Services. Besides this, the Hospital is also involved in the providing of MRI, CT scanning, PET scanning, x-ray, bone densitometry and ultrasound Services. The Hospital is being operated by a large provider of private healthcare, Spire healthcare who also operates 37 other private Hospitals and approximately ten clinics in all over the Country. The address and contact number of Spire Cardiff Hospital is also used for Spire Cardiff Hospital Consultants, Spire Private Hospital Cardiff, Spire Hospital Cardiff Directions, Spire Hospital Cardiff Reviews and Spire Cardiff Jobs. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Spire Cardiff Hospital is mentioned in below section.

Address of Spire Cardiff Hospital

The address of Spire Cardiff Hospital is Croescadarn Road, Pentwyn, Cardiff, CF23 8XL, UK.

Contact Number of Spire Cardiff Hospital

The contact number of Spire Cardiff Hospital is +44-29 2073 5515, Fax No: +44-29 2054 2512.

Email Address of Spire Cardiff Hospital

The email address of Spire Cardiff Hospital is cservice-cd@spirehealthcare.com.

Website of Spire Cardiff Hospital

The Website of Spire Cardiff Hospital is www.spirehealthcare.com.

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Spire Cardiff Hospital Address Contact Number
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