Smriti Mandhana Address and Contact Number

Smriti Mandhana Contact Phone Number is : 9904708172

and Address is Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Smriti Shriniwas Mandhana (18 July 1996) is an Indian cricketer. Smriti represents the Indian women's national team and took part in Royal Challengers Bangalore in the Women's Premier League (WPL).
Mandhana's family is closely involved in her cricketing activities. Smriti Mandhana’s father Shrinivas and brother Shravan both played cricket at the district level for Sangli and since she watched her brother closely playing for Maharashtra in the Under-16 tournament she too was inspired to play cricket.
Smriti Mandhana's journey is a beacon for aspiring female cricketers, breaking barriers and setting new standards in women's cricket. As a leading run-scorer and a charismatic ambassador for the game, she continues to inspire a new generation of cricket enthusiasts with her skill, passion, and determination. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Smriti Mandhana is mentioned in below section.

Address of Smriti Mandhana

The address of Smriti Mandhana is Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Contact Number of Smriti Mandhana

The contact number of Smriti Mandhana is 9904708172.

Email Address of Smriti Mandhana

The email address of Smriti Mandhana is

Website of Smriti Mandhana

The Website of Smriti Mandhana is

Contact Person of Smriti Mandhana

The contact person of Smriti Mandhana is Noorin sha ( manager).
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