Siu Carbondale Address and Contact Number

Siu Carbondale Contact Phone Number is : +1 618-453-2121

and Address is 1220 Lincoln Drive, Carbondale, Illinois, United States
Southern Illinois University is a public University of Illinois and was founded in 1869. It is one of the universities of the Southern Illinois University System. It is considered as one of the leading Research universities in the USA and runs over 200 undergraduate majors, minors, and specializations, 30 doctoral confers degrees in 60 master courses and Law and medical. It was founded in 1869 as Southern Illinois Normal College with twelve departments. Today it is arranged in eight Colleges for imparting Education in arts, Science, Business, Mass Communication, Engineering and Human Services. The address and contact number of Siu Carbondale is also used for Siu Carbondale ranking, Siu Carbondale application status, Siu Carbondale electrical Engineering, Siu Carbondale Football and Siu Carbondale bookstore. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Siu Carbondale is mentioned in below section.

Address of Siu Carbondale

The address of Siu Carbondale is 1220 Lincoln Drive, Carbondale, Illinois, United States.

Contact Number of Siu Carbondale

The contact number of Siu Carbondale is +1 618-453-2121.

Email Address of Siu Carbondale

The email address of Siu Carbondale is

Website of Siu Carbondale

The Website of Siu Carbondale is

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Siu Carbondale Address Contact Number
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