Sheffield Park Address and Contact Number

Sheffield Park Contact Phone Number is : +44 1825 790231

and Address is Uckfield TN22 3QX United Kingdom
Sheffield park is a cricket Stadium based in Uckfield, United Kingdom. It was established in the year 1845 and served as the home Stadium for Lord Sheffield's XI between the years from 1881 to 1896. The Stadium had an octagonal pavilion constructed during 1881-1882. After the death of Lord Sheffield in the year 1909 cricket escaped from the town and during the World War I the ground was converted into a field for farming purpose. In the year 2009 the place again converted into a cricket ground named as Armadillo Cricket Club. The address and contact number of Sheffield park is also used for Sheffield park House, Sheffield park Station, Sheffield park Oldsmar, Sheffield park Apartments, Sheffield park Academy, Sheffield park Hill, Sheffield park Hotel and Sheffield park Run. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Sheffield Park is mentioned in below section.

Address of Sheffield Park

The address of Sheffield Park is Uckfield TN22 3QX United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Sheffield Park

The contact number of Sheffield Park is +44 1825 790231.

Email Address of Sheffield Park

The email address of Sheffield Park is .

Website of Sheffield Park

The Website of Sheffield Park is

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Sheffield Park Address Contact Number
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