Shahram Nazeri Address and Contact Number

Shahram Nazeri Contact Phone Number is : +98 08 6488 2440

and Address is Baloot Lodging House in Kermanshah, Iran.
Shahram Nazeri is a contemporary Iranian tenor of Kurdish origin from Kermanshah, Iran, who sings Sufi music, classical and traditional Kurdish and Persian music. Nazeri has produced and released more than 50 music albums so far including tens of songs that he has composed by himself. Nazeri is a pioneering musician who has sung and composed Sufi music on Rumi's poetry as well as Persian songs on Ferdowsi’s poetry. Nazeri has produced and released more than 50 music albums so far including tens of songs that he has composed by himself. With perfect technical skills and heartfelt understanding, Shahram Nazeri can cross borders between musical genres, and has attracted large, diverse audiences. His wonderful talent and contagious love of music have earned him international acclaim, and he is now recognized as a grand ambassador for Persian music. He has continued to perform in Iran and abroad over the course of the last two decades. He has performed at major venues worldwide, including The festival of Avignon, Theâtre de la Ville in Paris and The Tokyo Summer festival. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Shahram Nazeri is mentioned in below section.

Address of Shahram Nazeri

The address of Shahram Nazeri is Baloot Lodging House in Kermanshah, Iran..

Contact Number of Shahram Nazeri

The contact number of Shahram Nazeri is +98 08 6488 2440.

Email Address of Shahram Nazeri

The email address of Shahram Nazeri is

Website of Shahram Nazeri

The Website of Shahram Nazeri is Not known.

Contact Person of Shahram Nazeri

The contact person of Shahram Nazeri is Shahram Nazeri.

Shahram Nazeri Source of Knowledge

Not known
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