Sesa Goa Address and Contact Number

Sesa Goa Contact Phone Number is : +91-832-2460600

and Address is PO BOX 125, Sesa Ghor, 20 EDC Complex, Patto, Panaji, Goa 403001 India
In India, Sesa Goa is the mining industry. It is the biggest producer and exporter of iron ore in India. It was established in 1954. Mr. P K Mukherjee is the Managing Director of Sesa Goa Limited. In India, Sesa Goa are located in Goa and Karnataka in several divisions. It has two interNational offICEs also which is situated in Shanghai and Liberia. Sesa Goa has several production divisions which works in Iron Ore, Metallurgical Coke, Pig Iron and Coke Making Technology. Approximately 4,100 employees are working here. The address and contact number of Sesa Goa is also used for Sesa Goa News, Sesa Goa share prICE Target, Sesa Goa careers, Sesa Goa sterlite merger and Sesa Goa dividend. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Sesa Goa is mentioned in below section.

Address of Sesa Goa

The address of Sesa Goa is PO BOX 125, Sesa Ghor, 20 EDC Complex, Patto, Panaji, Goa 403001 India.

Contact Number of Sesa Goa

The contact number of Sesa Goa is +91-832-2460600.

Email Address of Sesa Goa

The email address of Sesa Goa is .

Website of Sesa Goa

The Website of Sesa Goa is

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Sesa Goa Address Contact Number
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