Samih Choukaer Address and Contact Number

Samih Choukaer Contact Phone Number is : + 1 (413) 577-2154

and Address is 11 Garden Street; Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Samih Choukeir is a well-known Syrian singer, composer, and musician. He is known for his protest songs, including the famous "Yalla Irhal Ya Bashar". Some of his other popular tracks include: "Ya heif, "Wala Yom, "In 'Esht, and "Jenin. You can listen to Samih Choukeir's music on SoundCloud and Spotify. You can also find him on YouTube. Samih Choukeir is a renowned musician, composer and singer in his native Syria. For the last 30 years, he's written and recorded politically-committed songs, in favour of freedom of speech and in defence of oppressed peoples all over the world. One of his songs “Yâ hayf” (Oh shame) has become an anthem of the Syrian revolution. As of 2012, Syrian singer, composer, and songwriter Samih Choukeir was working on an anti-Assad song to be recorded in Arabic, French, and English. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Samih Choukaer is mentioned in below section.

Address of Samih Choukaer

The address of Samih Choukaer is 11 Garden Street; Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.

Contact Number of Samih Choukaer

The contact number of Samih Choukaer is + 1 (413) 577-2154.

Email Address of Samih Choukaer

The email address of Samih Choukaer is

Website of Samih Choukaer

The Website of Samih Choukaer is

Contact Person of Samih Choukaer

The contact person of Samih Choukaer is Samih Choukaer.

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