Sabine Uitslag Address and Contact Number

Sabine Uitslag Contact Phone Number is : +31 621703493

and Address is Welsum (Olst-Wijhe), Netherlands.
Albertje Sabine Uitslag is a former Dutch politician. As a member of the Christian Democratic Appeal (Christen-Democratisch Appèl). Born: March 4, 1973; Country: Netherlands; Comments: Singer and politician who appeared on the fifth season of the television talent show. Sabine Uitslag - a former politician and singer and currently a director in the healthcare sector. she was (again) a MP from 3 September 2008 to 19 September 2012. In her early life, She focused on matters of social care, and addiction and youth policy. Uitslag studied healthcare science with a specialization in nursing at Maastricht University. She currenty is a former Dutch politician associated with the Christian Democratic Appeal. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Sabine Uitslag is mentioned in below section.

Address of Sabine Uitslag

The address of Sabine Uitslag is Welsum (Olst-Wijhe), Netherlands..

Contact Number of Sabine Uitslag

The contact number of Sabine Uitslag is +31 621703493.

Email Address of Sabine Uitslag

The email address of Sabine Uitslag is

Website of Sabine Uitslag

The Website of Sabine Uitslag is Not Known.

Contact Person of Sabine Uitslag

The contact person of Sabine Uitslag is Sabine Uitslag.

Sabine Uitslag Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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