Roman Hagara Address and Contact Number

Roman Hagara Contact Phone Number is : +43 6789 45 3412

and Address is 66 in Vienna, II district, just south of Prate, Austria
Roman Hagara is an Austrian sailor who has won the gold medal in the Tornado class at two consecutive Olympic Games. He finished first in the Tornado Class in Sydney in 2000 and successfully defended his title in Athens four years later. Hagara, and his colleague Hans-Peter Steinacher won the gold medal in the Tornado class at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, and successfully defended their title at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, which, to date, makes them Austria's the most successful summer sport athletes as the first professional Austrian sailing team. Roman Hagara was also the skipper for Red Bull Extreme Sailing Team in the Extreme Sailing Series.[6] With the series' announcement that foiling catamarans will be part of its future, Hagara and Steinacher have taken on a full crew of athletes who honed their skills in the Red Bull Youth America's Cup. As of 2015, Roman Hagara and Hans-Peter Steinacher mentor young sailors in three series: as sports directors of Red Bull Foiling Generation and still working. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Roman Hagara is mentioned in below section.

Address of Roman Hagara

The address of Roman Hagara is 66 in Vienna, II district, just south of Prate, Austria.

Contact Number of Roman Hagara

The contact number of Roman Hagara is +43 6789 45 3412.

Email Address of Roman Hagara

The email address of Roman Hagara is

Website of Roman Hagara

The Website of Roman Hagara is

Contact Person of Roman Hagara

The contact person of Roman Hagara is Roman Hagara.

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