Rana Mansour Address and Contact Number

Rana Mansour Contact Phone Number is : +1 747254 2206

and Address is 921 Boylston Street, Boston MA 02115, USA.
Rana Mansour is an American-Iranian musician and singer. who is a pioneer in the Persian international music scene. Singing in at least 10 different languages. She was The first Iranian female to perform here as a singer. She is best known for blending contemporary pop and jazz elements with the Persian language. She released her debut album entitled Suite 16 in 1997 and her first Persian album in September 2015. Mansour has performed concerts in various cities across Europe and North America, including for the Persian Tirgan festival in Toronto and San Francisco. She has performed in over ten languages. She can recreate every old piece of familiar songs to that extend which new value is added to the song. On November 4, 2022, Mansour performed her version of Shervin Hajipour's song Baraye on the finale of The Voice of Germany to show solidarity with the Hajipour. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Rana Mansour is mentioned in below section.

Address of Rana Mansour

The address of Rana Mansour is 921 Boylston Street, Boston MA 02115, USA..

Contact Number of Rana Mansour

The contact number of Rana Mansour is +1 747254 2206.

Email Address of Rana Mansour

The email address of Rana Mansour is ranamans@gmail.com..

Website of Rana Mansour

The Website of Rana Mansour is www.RanaMusic.com.

Contact Person of Rana Mansour

The contact person of Rana Mansour is Rana Mansour.

Rana Mansour Source of Knowledge

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