Rachel Parish Address and Contact Number

Rachel Parish Contact Phone Number is : +44 8706565403

and Address is 11 Princess Royal Terrace, Scarborough, England, YO11 2RP, UK
Rachel Parish is an English international sportswoman who won a shooting gold medal and silver medal at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. Before going to university, she went to Wellington College in Berkshire. Rachel Parish is a contemporary artist and theatre maker working with diverse ecologies of collaborators, including humans, nonhumans, and their histories. She won a shooting gold medal and silver medal at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. Before going to university, she went to Wellington College in Berkshire. Already holding a degree in Biochemistry and Genetics from The University of Nottingham from 2002, Parish then read medicine at Southampton University, graduating as a doctor in 2007. She also claimed double trap team silver and individual bronze at the 2017 ISSF Grand Prix in Moscow, which was held alongside (but not part of) that year's World Shotgun Championships. She currently works as a senior director in brand strategy with a focus on sports and entertainment at Chicago-based Levy Restaurants. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Rachel Parish is mentioned in below section.

Address of Rachel Parish

The address of Rachel Parish is 11 Princess Royal Terrace, Scarborough, England, YO11 2RP, UK.

Contact Number of Rachel Parish

The contact number of Rachel Parish is +44 8706565403.

Email Address of Rachel Parish

The email address of Rachel Parish is rchparish@gmail.com.

Website of Rachel Parish

The Website of Rachel Parish is rachelparish.com.

Contact Person of Rachel Parish

The contact person of Rachel Parish is Rachel Parish.

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