Pruitt Igoe Address and Contact Number

Pruitt Igoe Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Street Louis, Missouri, United States
Pruitt Igoe was the largest residential complex situated at Street Louis, Missouri, United States. It was built in the year of 1956. Pruitt Igoe was designed by architect Minoru Yamasaki. Pruitt Igoe was the residential complex of 33 buildings. There were lived over 85,000 families in 1947. The Pruitt Igoe complex was demolished in 1972. The address and contact number of Pruitt Igoe is also used for Pruitt Igoe myth, Pruitt Igoe floor plan, Pruitt Igoe demolition, Pruitt Igoe philip glass, Pruitt Igoe pronunciation, Pruitt Igoe youtube, Pruitt Igoe koyaanisqatsi and Pruitt Igoe location. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Pruitt Igoe is mentioned in below section.

Address of Pruitt Igoe

The address of Pruitt Igoe is Street Louis, Missouri, United States.

Contact Number of Pruitt Igoe

The contact number of Pruitt Igoe is NA.

Email Address of Pruitt Igoe

The email address of Pruitt Igoe is .

Website of Pruitt Igoe

The Website of Pruitt Igoe is

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Pruitt Igoe Address Contact Number
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