Prahlad Kakkar Address and Contact Number

Prahlad Kakkar Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Prahlad Kakkar born on 24 March, 1950 is a renowned Indian ad film director, entrepreneur and a Hotelier. He owns production house in India named, Genesis Film Productions set up in 1977 with 2 subsidiaries named Offspring and Offshoot . He is a multi talented personality and has a passion for Scuba Diving, Gourmet cooking, Reading, Swimming, Snorkeling, Squash and Horse Riding. He owns a Coffee shop, Wine bar & restaurant - "Casa Amore" in Mumbai (2001); Scuba diving School - "Lacadives" at Kadmat Island in Lakshadweep (1995) along with his wife Mitali Kakkar. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Prahlad Kakkar is mentioned in below section.

Address of Prahlad Kakkar

The address of Prahlad Kakkar is Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Contact Number of Prahlad Kakkar

The contact number of Prahlad Kakkar is NA.

Email Address of Prahlad Kakkar

The email address of Prahlad Kakkar is .

Website of Prahlad Kakkar

The Website of Prahlad Kakkar is .

Contact Person of Prahlad Kakkar

The contact person of Prahlad Kakkar is Prahlad Kakar.
Prahlad Kakkar Address Contact Number
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Ms. Gudiya RuhelaJan 05, 2015
He is a good guy. I want to meet him. He gave break to Ashwary Rai.
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