Portcullis House Address and Contact Number
Portcullis House Contact Phone Number is : +44-020 7219 4272
and Address is Westminster, London, United KingdomPortcullis House is a Governmental building that situated in Westminster, London, United Kingdom. The building was founded in 2001 for to serve offICEs for 213 Members of Parliament and augmenting limited space in the Westminster and surroundings. The Portcullis House was architect by Michael Hopkins and Partners. It is one of the largest building in United States. The powers of the portcullis house are listed in the constitution of United States. The address and contact number of Portcullis House is also used for Portcullis house entrance, Portcullis house address, Portcullis house fig trees, Portcullis house tunnel, Portcullis house open house, Portcullis house nearest tube, Portcullis house room booking and Portcullis house Poole. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Portcullis House is mentioned in below section.
Address of Portcullis House
The address of Portcullis House is Westminster, London, United Kingdom.Contact Number of Portcullis House
The contact number of Portcullis House is +44-020 7219 4272.Email Address of Portcullis House
The email address of Portcullis House is hcinfo@parliament.uk.Website of Portcullis House
The Website of Portcullis House is www.parliament.uk.Email this information
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