Poonam Mahajan Address and Contact Number

Poonam Mahajan Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is India
Poonam Mahajan Rao is a political member of BJP Party as her parents Pramod Mahajan and Rekha Mahajan also recognized as the leaders in BJP. When her father was murdered in 2006, she aggressively joined the BJP party as a common member with the support of Gopinath Munde who was an ex-deputy Cheif Minister in Maharashtra State. Afterwards, she becomes the National secretary of Bharatiya Jayanta party. As she was one of the youth member of the BJP party so she tried to register young voters for the Lok Sabha Elections. In 2010, she was honoured with position of VICE President of the BJP Yuva Morcha. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Poonam Mahajan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Poonam Mahajan

The address of Poonam Mahajan is India.

Contact Number of Poonam Mahajan

The contact number of Poonam Mahajan is NA.

Email Address of Poonam Mahajan

The email address of Poonam Mahajan is .

Website of Poonam Mahajan

The Website of Poonam Mahajan is .

Contact Person of Poonam Mahajan

The contact person of Poonam Mahajan is Poonam Mahajan Rao.
Poonam Mahajan Address Contact Number
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